Getting here
Spalding Comicon is within a 40 minute drive from Boston, Grantham, King’s Lynn, March, Peterborough, Sleaford and Wisbech Parking: We have free parking for up to 700 cars at any given time. Marshalls will be on hand to manage the car park but please allow 20 minutes to get parked up and into the event. Postcode…
Become a Volunteer
Are you available on the 18th or 19th October 2025 and for a 2-4 hour online training session in the week beforehand? We are looking for volunteers for our two events at Springfields Events Center 18th October 2025: Spalding Comicon 19th October 2025: Spaling Card Show Will you be at least 18 years old on…
Carer ticket application
If you need a carer to attend our event, we don’t think you have to pay for two tickets. We allow ONE FREE ADULT TICKET when with a person with a disability. The person with the disability will pay full ticket price and we will issue a full free ticket for your carer. In order…
Become a sponsor
Would you like to put your business in front of thousands of people on the day and/or through our many online channels? All sponsorship funding goes back into the event to pay for guests, venues and all the amazing activities throughout the day. Depending on your budget, you could: Sponsorship available for: A competitions -…
Meet the team
The Retro Retreat in Kings Lynn, co-organised and fully funded last years Comicon. Director Jason Lee and his team help setup and run the event from car park marshalling to reception. Jason also led negotiate on the star guests and developed the website and all documentation and site plans . The Retro Retreat is open…
Were adding more FAQs every week so please pop back nearer to the event date. Can I buy a ticket on the door WE CANNOT GUARANTEE entry if you choose to pay on the day. We need to ensure we do not exceed the capacity of the venue. We strongly advise that you buy your…