We are super excited to announce that Hattie Hayridge will be attending Spalding Comicon!

HATTIE HAYRIDGE is best known for her role as HOLLY for Series III, IV and V of BBC’s hit cult sitcom RED DWARF. At that time, 1988, Hattie been performing stand-up comedy for little over a year, after spontaneously ‘having a go’ at a small comedy club in North London. Her break from the secretarial desk on to the blossoming comedy circuit quickly took off, especially with her appearance on the hit comedy TV show, FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE.

Here she was spotted by the Red Dwarf Producers and Writers and invited to appear in the PARALLEL UNIVERSE episode in Series II, as Hilly, alongside the male Holly, Norman Lovett. After the departure of the original Holly, Hattie was invited to audition for the part, and the writers decided they ‘had found their dumb computer’!

Hattie continued with her live stand-up comedy on the circuit, touring at arts centres and theatres in Britain and abroad, performing at Edinburgh, Adelaide, Montreal festivals, as well as many TV shows – including THE LATE LATE SHOW WITH CRAIG FERGUSON on CBS in the US. Her other TV acting appearances have been in episodes of JONATHAN CREEK, and the American series LEXX.

Hattie makes appearances at many Comic-Cons around the world, and is always happy to meet up and chat with fans of the brilliant show, RED DWARF.